












  芝加哥 – 据12月22/29日刊《美国医学会杂志》上的一项研究披露,研究人员在对白血病干细胞(LSC)进行检查时发现,那些含LSC基因有着较高活性的罹患急性髓样细胞性白血病的患者总体上看来有着较差的无不良事件及无复发性存活率。


  加州帕洛阿图市斯坦福大学的Andrew J. Gentles, Ph.D.及其同事对来自原发性AML和正常病人的富集(即有着较高浓度的)有LSC的样本进行了基因表达(活性)谱的检查。这些样本是在2005年4月至2007年7月间从美国的一个医疗中心获得的。来自4个独立小组(n=1,047)的AML肿瘤基因表达谱数据集也接受了评估。





  研究人员补充说,这一研究第一次直接描述了富集有AML启始细胞的一个识别标志(即一组基因的活性水平可使一种细胞类型与另外一种细胞类型区别开来),并将这种识别标志与诊断样本的基因表达谱进行关联,使得病人的临床特征与病理特征得以联系起来。 “最后,这一模型对癌症治疗具有重大的意涵,其中最明显的是,为了治愈患者,癌症干细胞必须消除。要在AML中做到这一点,人们必须研发以LSC作为标靶的新疗法。”


JAMA. 2010;304[24]:2706-2715)
  Researchers find association between activity of certain stem cell genes and outcomes for patients with acute myeloid leukemia

  CHICAGO – In an examination of leukemic stem cells (LSC), researchers have found that patients with acute myeloid leukemia who had higher activity of certain LSC genes had worse overall, event-free and relapse-free survival, according to a study in the December 22/29 issue of JAMA.

  “In many cancers, specific subpopulations of cells appear to be uniquely capable of initiating and maintaining tumors. The strongest support for this cancer stem cell model comes from transplantation assays in immunodeficient mice, which indicate that human acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is driven by self-renewing leukemic stem cells,” according to background information in the article. “A major implication of this cancer stem cell model is that the LSCs must be eliminated to eradicate the cancer and cure the patient. While AML was the first human malignancy for which this model gained experimental support, its clinical significance has yet to be fully established.”

  Andrew J. Gentles, Ph.D., of Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif., and colleagues examined gene expression (activity) profiles of LSC-enriched (higher concentration) subpopulations from primary AML and normal patient samples. These samples were obtained at a U.S. medical center between April 2005 and July 2007. Other data sets of profiles of AML tumors from 4 independent groups (n = 1,047) also were evaluated.

  The researchers found that expression levels of 52 genes distinguished LSC-enriched populations from other subpopulations in cell-sorted AML samples. An LSC score summarizing expression of these genes in primary AML tumor samples was associated with clinical outcomes in the 4 independent patient groups. High LSC scores were associated with worse overall, event-free, and relapse-free survival among patients with either normal karyotypes (set of chromosomes of a cell) or chromosomal abnormalities.

  “The absolute risk of death by 3 years was 57 percent for the low LSC score group compared with 78 percent for the high LSC score group. In another cohort with available data on event-free survival for 70 patients with normal karyotypes, the risk of an event by 3 years was 48 percent in the low LSC score group vs. 81 percent in the high LSC score group,” the researchers write.

  The LSC score was also associated with primary response to induction chemotherapy, because high LSC scores strongly correlated with lower remission rates.

  “In this study, we show that a gene expression score associated with the LSC-enriched subpopulation is an independent prognostic factor in AML, with high LSC score associated with adverse outcomes in multiple independent cohorts. … If prospectively validated, the described LSC score may be incorporated into routine clinical practice for predicting prognosis in patients with AML and used in clinical trials incorporating risk-based stratification or randomization strategies.”

  The researchers add that this study is the first to directly define a signature (a group of genes whose level of activity distinguishes one cell type from another) of enriched AML-initiating cells and to relate this signature to expression profiles of diagnostic specimens, allowing a link to corresponding clinical and pathological features of patients. “Ultimately, this model has major implications for cancer therapy, most notably that in order to achieve cure, the cancer stem cells must be eliminated. To accomplish this in AML, novel therapies targeting LSC must be developed.”

  (JAMA. 2010;304[24]:2706-2715)





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  芝加哥 – 据12月22/29日刊《美国医学会杂志》上的一项研究披露,研究人员在对白血病干细胞(LSC)进行检查时发现,那些含LSC基因有着较高活性的罹患急性髓样细胞性白血病的患者总体上看来有着较差的无不良事件及无复发性存活率。


  加州帕洛阿图市斯坦福大学的Andrew J. Gentles, Ph.D.及其同事对来自原发性AML和正常病人的富集(即有着较高浓度的)有LSC的样本进行了基因表达(活性)谱的检查。这些样本是在2005年4月至2007年7月间从美国的一个医疗中心获得的。来自4个独立小组(n=1,047)的AML肿瘤基因表达谱数据集也接受了评估。





  研究人员补充说,这一研究第一次直接描述了富集有AML启始细胞的一个识别标志(即一组基因的活性水平可使一种细胞类型与另外一种细胞类型区别开来),并将这种识别标志与诊断样本的基因表达谱进行关联,使得病人的临床特征与病理特征得以联系起来。 “最后,这一模型对癌症治疗具有重大的意涵,其中最明显的是,为了治愈患者,癌症干细胞必须消除。要在AML中做到这一点,人们必须研发以LSC作为标靶的新疗法。”


JAMA. 2010;304[24]:2706-2715)
  Researchers find association between activity of certain stem cell genes and outcomes for patients with acute myeloid leukemia

  CHICAGO – In an examination of leukemic stem cells (LSC), researchers have found that patients with acute myeloid leukemia who had higher activity of certain LSC genes had worse overall, event-free and relapse-free survival, according to a study in the December 22/29 issue of JAMA.

  “In many cancers, specific subpopulations of cells appear to be uniquely capable of initiating and maintaining tumors. The strongest support for this cancer stem cell model comes from transplantation assays in immunodeficient mice, which indicate that human acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is driven by self-renewing leukemic stem cells,” according to background information in the article. “A major implication of this cancer stem cell model is that the LSCs must be eliminated to eradicate the cancer and cure the patient. While AML was the first human malignancy for which this model gained experimental support, its clinical significance has yet to be fully established.”

  Andrew J. Gentles, Ph.D., of Stanford University, Palo Alto, Calif., and colleagues examined gene expression (activity) profiles of LSC-enriched (higher concentration) subpopulations from primary AML and normal patient samples. These samples were obtained at a U.S. medical center between April 2005 and July 2007. Other data sets of profiles of AML tumors from 4 independent groups (n = 1,047) also were evaluated.

  The researchers found that expression levels of 52 genes distinguished LSC-enriched populations from other subpopulations in cell-sorted AML samples. An LSC score summarizing expression of these genes in primary AML tumor samples was associated with clinical outcomes in the 4 independent patient groups. High LSC scores were associated with worse overall, event-free, and relapse-free survival among patients with either normal karyotypes (set of chromosomes of a cell) or chromosomal abnormalities.

  “The absolute risk of death by 3 years was 57 percent for the low LSC score group compared with 78 percent for the high LSC score group. In another cohort with available data on event-free survival for 70 patients with normal karyotypes, the risk of an event by 3 years was 48 percent in the low LSC score group vs. 81 percent in the high LSC score group,” the researchers write.

  The LSC score was also associated with primary response to induction chemotherapy, because high LSC scores strongly correlated with lower remission rates.

  “In this study, we show that a gene expression score associated with the LSC-enriched subpopulation is an independent prognostic factor in AML, with high LSC score associated with adverse outcomes in multiple independent cohorts. … If prospectively validated, the described LSC score may be incorporated into routine clinical practice for predicting prognosis in patients with AML and used in clinical trials incorporating risk-based stratification or randomization strategies.”

  The researchers add that this study is the first to directly define a signature (a group of genes whose level of activity distinguishes one cell type from another) of enriched AML-initiating cells and to relate this signature to expression profiles of diagnostic specimens, allowing a link to corresponding clinical and pathological features of patients. “Ultimately, this model has major implications for cancer therapy, most notably that in order to achieve cure, the cancer stem cells must be eliminated. To accomplish this in AML, novel therapies targeting LSC must be developed.”

  (JAMA. 2010;304[24]:2706-2715)






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